What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a complimentary health therapy that uses light muscle testing to communicate to the body mind spirit. Our body is made of beautiful flowing energy which runs through our Chinese meridians, aura and chakras. When testing a muscle this is testing the energy circuits within the body. 

During muscle testing the muscle communicates to us by either staying locked or unlocked. If the muscle stays locked when we make a statement, explore a goal or ask the body a question there is no stress, our body believes it to be true. If the muscle unlocks there is an area of stress around the emotion, goals or statement and we then explore this further by gaining insight into what the body needs to strengthen your energy. I use muscle testing to bypass your conscious mind, current worries, stressors, limited beliefs, sabotages and thought patterns to access the subconscious and higher self. I can pin point the emotional, structural, chemical or electrical blocks your energy system is holding onto that is creating the imbalance within your body mind spirit.  

I then explore these imbalances and ask your body what does it need or wants to assist in releasing your energy blocks so your body can then return to its higher state of balance and alignment. You then leave feeling confident in moving forward in life with ease, clarity, harmony and have a sense of freedom and calmness.  

Kinesiology offers you the opportunity for spiritual growth, release patterns of sabotage, give you insight and understanding on how you can listen to your body, so you can continue to heal,  grow and expand after a kinesiology session. 

A variety of tools are utilised in a kinesiology session such as vibrations medicine tools, traditional Chinese meridian systems, left/right Brain integration, auras and chakra system balances, nutritional support , emotional support, colour and sound healing plus so much more. 

What to expect during a session-

At the beginning of your session we will discuss your health history and then dive deep into what you are wanting to achieve from your kinesiology session. Throughout your kinesiology session, I will connect with your energy and self muscle test. You body will communicate via muscle testing what kinesiology corrections and balances are needed to align with your session goal. You may experience a wave of energetic release which has been described as tingling, calmness, contentment, reduced pain, quietening of the mind, clarity, tiredness. At the end of your session we will discuss ways you can continue your healing journey.